About the board

Drax has established an Independent Advisory Board to provide advice on sustainable biomass and its role in Drax’s transition to net zero emissions.

The Board will feedback and make recommendations on Drax’s sustainable biomass approach and performance. Topics covered will include advice on feedstock options, procurement practices, forest science and how Drax can optimise carbon benefits. The group will also give advice on the role of biomass in Drax’s climate change mitigation activities, and provide insight on societal expectations for responsible and sustainable biomass.

Board members

Sir John Beddington

Professor Sir John Beddington

Virginia Dale

Dr Virginia Dale

Forest Research

Forest Research

Professor Sam Fankhauser

Professor Sam Fankhauser

Lord Krebs

Lord John Krebs

Shauna Matkovich

“The IPCC and Committee on Climate Change both recognise that sustainably sourced biomass will play an important role in meeting climate change targets. I decided to chair the IAB because it’s vital that biomass is sourced sustainably and takes the latest scientific thinking into account.

“As the science evolves, we will make recommendations to ensure that the biomass used at Drax makes a positive contribution to our climate and the environment.”

— IAB Chair Sir John Beddington

Half-year updates

Independent Advisory Board - H2 2023 update

Independent Advisory Board – H1 2023 update

Independent Advisory Board – H2 2022 update

Independent Advisory Board – H1 2022 update


Working Forests in the US South

24 January 2020 - Drax's new biomass policy paves the way for world-leading sustainability standard

LaSalle BioEnergy catchment area working forests

17 October 2019 - Drax strengthens biomass sustainability policy and appoints Independent Advisory Board


21-22 February – Eleventh Advisory Board meeting

29-30 May – Twelfth Advisory Board meeting

28 August – Interim call

5-6 November – Thirteenth Advisory Board meeting


October 2021 - Ecometrica report on biomass carbon accounting

Drax Group CEO Will Gardiner in the control room at Drax Power Station

5 May 2021 - Letter from Will Gardiner to the Independent Advisory Board on Sustainable Biomass

LaSalle Bioenergy forest area

29 April 2021 - Findings and Recommendations from the recent meetings of Drax’s Independent Advisory Board on Sustainable Biomass (IAB)

Draw Group CEO, Will Gardiner

10 December 2020 - Letter from Will Gardiner to the Independent Advisory Board on Sustainable Biomass

Foresters in working forest, Mississippi

20 August 2020 - Findings and Recommendations from the Second Meeting of Drax’s Independent Advisory Board

21 January 2020 - Letter from Will Gardiner to the Independent Advisory Board on Sustainable Biomass

Sir John Beddington

9 January 2020 - Findings and Recommendations from the First Meeting of Drax’s Independent Advisory Board on Sustainable Biomass (IAB)

Sir John Beddington

17 October 2019 - My committee will ensure Drax lives up to its climate commitments