Erika Peterman, Independent Non-Executive Director

Contribution and experience

Erika’s extensive experience, gained from over 25 years working in global organisations, enables the delivery of change and growth in complex, world-leading businesses. Her broad knowledge has been built serving various parts of the chemicals industry, across a range of sectors from plastics, petrochemicals, agriculture and pharma.

Erika is currently serving as Senior Vice President Chemical Intermediates and Oxyfuels at multi-national chemical company LyondellBasell. Erika was previously Senior Vice President at BASF Corporation, where she led the North American Chemical Intermediates business. Erika held other senior executive roles with BASF, covering manufacturing and production, engineering, strategy, and commercial business management. Passionate about STEM and DEI, she actively supports community workforce development programs, as well as a range of diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Erika sits on a variety of College of Engineering Advisory Boards, including those for the University of Houston and the Georgia Institute of Technology. She serves as a Board Trustee for The Chatfield Edge, a scholarship foundation based in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is also a member of the Executive Leadership Council, a non-profit organization whose mission is to accelerate the development of black executives to C-Suite positions. Erika holds a BSc in chemical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an MBA from the University of Houston.

Appointment to the Board:

October 2021

Board Committees:

  • Member of the Audit Committee
  • Member of the Remuneration Committee

External appointments:

  • LyondellBasell (Senior Vice President)