Drax is the global leader in the production, supply and generation of renewable power from sustainably sourced biomass, and a pioneer in carbon removal technology. Our purpose is to enable a zero carbon, lower cost energy future.
Wood pellet production
17 pellet production sites across North America supplying sustainable biomass to power companies throughout Europe and Asia. Wood fiber used in pellet production is a by-product of sustainable forest management and the manufacture of solid wood products.
Power generation
Largest supplier of renewable electricity to UK businesses, with a portfolio of sustainable bioenergy, hydro-electric and pumped hydro storage assets across England and Scotland.
Carbon removals
First power company in the world to capture carbon from 100% biomass feedstock, with an ambition to capture 12 million tonnes (Mt) a year of carbon removals worldwide by 2030, to support the rapid decarbonization of global power systems and industry.

Information on our Canadian Sourcing

Drax's Role in Japan
Working together to achieve net zero
Drax is committed to supporting Japan in its decarbonization journey, by providing a secure, reliable, renewable energy option in the form of sustainable biomass; accelerating the transition away from fossil fuels and paving the way for negative emissions.
Biomass is recognized by the UN IPCC as critical to tackling climate change and can help Japan meet its climate goals faster, more sustainably and at lower cost. Sustainable bioenergy will play a crucial role in delivering Japan’s new Nationally Determined Contributions and Green Growth Strategy.

As the world’s leading sustainable biomass generation and supply business, we are keen to share our expertise and stand ready to build new partnerships. By enabling investment in clean energy technologies, Drax will be helping to create tens of thousands of green jobs worldwide.
Launching our office in Japan is a decisive step in our ambition. With our knowledge and experience, paired with the supply of high quality, sustainable wood pellets, Drax will support Japan in delivering its post-COP26 climate objective of phasing down coal and helping integrate other intermittent renewables.

Biomass protects and enhances the environment
As the world’s leading producer and supplier of sustainable biomass, Drax is committed to ensuring the biomass we source delivers positive outcomes for the climate, for nature and for the communities in which we operate.
Senior Leadership
Contact us
Drax Asia Japan Office:
Level 21
Marunouchi Nijubashi Building
3-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan 100-0005