Drax Power Station has been keeping the UK’s lights on for over 50 years. It is the largest power station in the country, capable of providing power for 5 million homes, and playing a crucial role in ensuring the UK’s energy security.

Looking to the future, we have plans to deploy BECCS at Drax Power Station – a unique technology that uses sustainable biomass to generate renewable energy while simultaneously removing carbon from the atmosphere.

This will help the UK Government achieve its clean power by 2030 targets, while continuing to protect energy security. But what is the end-to-end process of BECCS? – find out more in our six-part video series.

Chapter 1: Fibre sourcing and pelletisation

Forests are an essential resource that will help us to build a sustainable future. At Drax, we recognise that we’re a small but important part of the forestry industry, which is why we’re constantly working to ensure our fibre sourcing and pelletisation processes are positive for people, nature and the climate.

Chapter 2: Transport supply chain

Our ambition to be a carbon negative company by 2030 means we’re always working to optimise our supply chain, making it as energy efficient and low-carbon as possible.

Chapter 3: Handling biomass and generating power

Drax Power Station was once the largest coal-fired power station in Western Europe. It now has four 660 megawatt units running on sustainably sourced, renewable biomass, which generate power for millions of homes across the UK. This history of careful experimentation and innovative problem solving have made Drax a leading biomass power operator.

Chapter 4: Generating power and BECCS

BECCS is an innovative technology that permanently removes carbon from the atmosphere, while generating stable, renewable electricity.

Drax is set to be one of the first BECCS power stations in the world and could remove 8 million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere annually – equivalent to cancelling all departing flights from Heathrow.

Chapter 5: The conversion journey of Drax Power Station

Drax Power Station has been keeping the UK’s lights on for 50 years, providing crucial energy security and grid stability. Over this period, we’ve transitioned from coal to sustainable biomass and we’re now looking to deploy BECCS at Drax Power Station.

Chapter 6: New Build BECCS 

The final chapter explores our plans to develop BECCS both in the UK and worldwide, as well as how BECCS works and the positive impact it will have on people, nature and the climate.